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First time moms buy EVERYTHING they can's what I LOVE & what I could have skipped on.

Being a MAMA is the greatest adventure of all time...

Labor is totally miraculous & totally weird.

Don't marry someone who makes you laugh and other tips to a successful pregnancy.

Our girls trips started really organically. We saw a flight to San Francisco for like $70 bucks round trip and it was Annie's birthday. After that trip we realized 5 is the perfect travel number. We have gone on 3 trips together &we have mastered it!

We had our gender reveal party on Tuesday and it was everything I had hoped for. We had all of our family over (Justin's family can fill a room right QUICK) to let them know what we found out at the ultrasound a few hours prior [...]

We are PREGNANT. If you are doing the math in your head, we literally got married & got pregnant on the same day. What in the world.

The royal wedding....was beautiful, Kate looked great. But that's kind of old news. So check out our wedding. Lol [...]

I feel like it’s been FOREVER since I have wrote! Days turn into weeks so fast around here. Now I am BACK and I am excited for what is coming on KELSIEISHAPPY [...]

When I was in high school when I decided I was going to be married at 18 & have kids by 20... because that's how it works, right? You just say you want it and it happens[...]

I could write a book (probably a book series) on what I have learned in my short 24 years on relationships, love, respect, and heartbreak. None of which I have ever been an open book about [...]

If I have learned a lot about anything these past few years, as a 24 year old Mormon woman, it's about dating. Whether you are mormon or not, dating is probably a part of your life [...]